Partners + Project Details

Shine Shrine Flyer CoverArtboard 1 copy 5.png

Founded in 2015 by Chiquita Brujita, Brooklyn Brujeria is a Brooklyn-based creative house committed to using the power of art and joy as a form of activism and community building.

With support from the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership, Dumbo Improvement District, and New York State’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative, Brooklyn Brujeria is proud to present the Shine Shrine Intention Walk from August - September, 2021.

The Shine Shrines will create a walkable route aimed to connect several Brooklyn neighborhoods through public altars centered around the strength and power of the borough’s diverse community and our collective resilience through the experience of COVID-19 and its disproportionate impact on communities of color.

Curated by New York Native, Chiquita Brujita, and inspired by traditions that use art making as a tool for mourning, the experience will place non-secular altars -- Shine Shrines --  marked by colorful, hand silkscreened flags bearing her intention-based artwork  -- to spark joy in public spaces.

Connected through the power of art as a source of collective healing and rooted in the beauty and traditions of the African Diaspora, The Shine Shrine Intention Walk will encourage New Yorkers to safely gather at each activation; see their neighborhoods as sources of self-reflective empowering art; encourage walking as an enjoyable, healthy, and safe activity; and imprint the idea of exploring three Brooklyn neighborhoods; DUMBO, Vinegar Hill and Downtown Brooklyn.

With four activation events centered around visual interpretations of joy, freedom, magic, and resilience on August 19, and September 12, 18, and 22nd, the public is invited to a silent disco, drumming, sound and movement experience, tarot readings, and vintage market; or to simply walk the pathway connecting each shrine at their convenience through October 2nd. 

Details for each Shine Shrine’s live activation were added to this site a week in advance.

Site #1: ALEGRIA (JOY) was activated on Thursday, August 19 in DUMBO’s Pearl St. Triangle, and Site #2 COMUNIDAD (COMMUNITY) was activated at the Vinegar Hill Community Garden on Sunday, September 12, Site #3 was activated at Albee Square Plaza at the Fulton Mall on Saturday, September 18, and Site #4 at the PS 307 Courtyard on September 22nd, 2021.

May we honor and shine our light in these times.